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The top question about business and marketing management is how to do it all. As you we enter into the next phase of planning, creating and scheduling content for your business – I want everyone to be set up for success. Part of January’s “homework” was to identify where you can reasonably fit time in […]

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DAY 6: Understanding the Algorithm, Hashtags, Trending Audio and More – Part 2

Each and every one of us is a consumer to another business. Despite this, small business owners often fail to create a consumer friendly environment. The difference between a success business, a stagnant business and a struggling business is the consumer environment online, offline and with the products/service. We can pull some great examples of […]

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DAY 5: Understanding the Algorithm, Hashtags, Trending Audio & More – Part 1

When it comes to social media marketing, there are several moving parts to each piece of content you create. Over the years, we have seen an emphasis shift from one component to another whether it be post timing, hashtags, picture quality, audio or something else. Every small business owner or person utilizing social media is […]

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Post automation is one of the best developments in technology over the last decade. This is the process of using a (often) third party platform to plan and schedule your social media content all in one place. Post automation can be a life-saver for small business owners because it helps you stay consistent through batching […]

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Yesterday we talked about the purpose of social media for your business: to create connection. Now, let’s answer the follow up question: How do we know we are connecting with our audience? Building connection with your audience – like a relationship – has multiple metrics to determine its success. We have been led to believe […]

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Day 1: How Should We Use Social Media for Business?

To kick off this Social Media Group Coaching year, let’s talk about what social media is (and is not) in terms of our businesses and how to leverage that to grow our businesses. One of the top reasons why social media does not provide lucrative and/or sustainable results for businesses is because business owners are […]

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