7 Things to Leave Behind in 2022

Anyone know what just happened? It seems like Christmas 2021 was just a few days ago and here we are staring at January 1st, 2023. Time has a funny way of sneaking on by us when we are busy with life, work and business. For many, 2022 was not the greatest year. Those booming sales from the pandemic dwindled down amidst rising costs and the pains of another global recession are being felt in every corner of the world. I’m here to tell you that this time is temporary and what you do in this time is what matters most.

As we turn the page into a new week, new month and new year it’s easy to feel energized for all the possibilities to come in the next 365-days. I’m excited for all the things we will teach in 2023; for those of you who are embarking on new learning and growth in our masterclasses and for how different your world might look this time, next year. Most of all, I’m thrilled to not be starting the year sick from Christmas travel as I have the last three years!

Before we dive into all that this new year will bring us, let’s talk about some things you need to leave in 2022.


I’m choosing violence and calling out the ample poor time management that is happening, right out of the gate. If you want to know why your crafting or business goals aren’t panning out – start here. I see it ALL the time. People actively chose to work harder instead of smarter, there is a lack of boundaries in place between all areas of life, and my personal favorite – too much time spent on television or mindlessly scrolling social media.

If you feel like constantly spread too thin and burnt out just trying to make a dollar while juggling all other areas of life – your time management is the problem.

Better work-life-business/hobby balance is an on-going process but it starts with small changes. Learn to time block your days, set appropriate boundaries, streamline your business and life obligations, learn to say “no”, take time to recharge and cut out your mindless television/social media scrolling habits. Make it a point to ask yourself every step of your day whether or not what you are doing is serving your bigger goals.


Consistency is the biggest key to your success. You have to consistently be doing the small things for your business like social media, adding products and engaging with customers if you want to see results. Far too often people start off strong or go in spurts of motivation during the year only to fizzle out in the moments in-between. Success is not the results of what you do today alone; it’s the results of what you do yesterday, today, tomorrow, the next day, and so on. Do not measure your business or craft on inconsistent effort in a short window. Look at it from the lens of consistent effort over the course of 6-12-18-24 months (and beyond). Growth often is not as fast as we want it to be but when we are consistent and operate with intent – the results follow. You just have to have a little (or a lot) of patience and trust the process.


Stop trying to do things that you are not actually skilled in doing and start focusing on the investment you made and learning to use them to their potential. Do you want to know what you gain by thinking you can “figure it out” or “wing it” with a new product, design or equipment? Stress. Wasted time and energy. Frustration and anger. Resentment for what you’re trying to do. Anxiety and disappointment.

To quote Mercury Stardust: “You are worth the time it takes to learn something new.”. She’s right – you are. Before you starting trying to DO the things, take time to LEARN the things. If you have paid for equipment, blanks, courses, ect – stop letting them collect dust! Prioritize time to learn ALL THE THINGS. Learning allows us to grow forward and unlocks unlimited potential and possibilities. When we try to rush things or tackle challenges that we are not really ready for, we actually stunt our progress dramatically. I know some of you are going to say that you don’t have the time and to that I say: make the time. If being able to do something is important to you then you will make the time to do and achieve it.


Social media is one of the most valuable tools you have for growing your business at this time. However, I see a lot of people with no real strategy. You have to offer your customers more than 24/7 sales posts. You have to offer something better than a short video of a tumbler spinning with “trending audio” in reel and thinking that will lead to sales. You need to operate with a plan and realize that your ideal customer is not on all platforms.


Are you a work-a-holic? Is your schedule jam-packed with family, day job, crafting and life? Do you feel chronically burned out and like you can never seem to take a break? I can relate because that was me for MANY years. In recent years, I have prioritized downtime and going into 2023, I want you to do the same. Our bodies and minds need time to recharge. It’s our responsibility to ourselves to make that happen. Breaking the old cycle involves several key steps including time blocking, setting boundaries and have a plan for your operations and life.


In 2022 we talked about niching down your business; rest assured we are going to be drilling that point home even more in 2023. The print-everything-model no longer works. There are simply too many hobbyist who are doing this at bare minimum prices which makes it difficult for those who need to make money or are trying to grow a business. In 2023, learn to work smarter – not harder. Decide on a product design theme and/or products to niche into. Focus on building collections that flow with the seasons and occasions of the year and facilitate repeat sales. Use this strategy to increase your prices and decrease your overhead. Most of all, let this be the year you push past your mental blocks about what you create and focus on doing what serves your long term goals best and amplifies your stance as a business in the market instead of a hobbyist.


Something I find obnoxious about the world around us is that there is this idea that you have to fit in a special box and do things one specific way. This ideology has been passed down for decades and is the byproduct of the original public education system that existed only to create the new workforce. Out of the box and innovative thinkers couldn’t possibly exist in the lower class education system because these roles were reserved for the wealthy. This isn’t to sound political but the reality is that the history of many developed countries is suppression. And if for some reason you cannot be suppressed (not to be confused with oppressed) then clearly there is something wrong with you. Here is the truth – you are a wonderful and unique person. The obstacles you face in your life on any level are what make you wonderful and unique in their own ways. It does not mean that your life is easier or harder than someone else’s – we are not here to compare battle scars. It simply means that despite a world telling you that you cannot because of XYZ things – I’m here to tell you that you can.

We have a tendency to hold onto the things that make us feel inferior and use them as excuses. What we need to do – what I encourage you to do – is challenge that belief system. Accept that there are obstacles in your life and while they make things more difficult, they are not insurmountable. You have the power within you to come up with creative ways to make your dreams work for you. You have the ability to eliminate excuses and find solutions. In 2023, tell yourself that YOU CAN and YOU WILL.

Today is the very first day of a new chapter in this book of life. Let go of all the things that don’t serve you and leave them in yesterday. You can make this year the best year and I hope that we are here to serve you all along the way.

Thank you for being with us as we start another year and we wish you the utmost growth, resilience and progress in 2023.